Inspire Change, Empower Justice

Pioneering the Future

of Justice Tech

Inspire Change, Empower Justice

At Justice Tech Pathways, we are driven by a bold vision: to democratize legal services and empower the next generation of legal professionals through cutting-edge technology and innovative training. None of this would be possible without the support of our Founding Sponsors—visionary companies who share our commitment to transforming the legal industry.

These trailblazers are not just supporters; they are partners in our mission to expand access to justice and create lasting change.

Technology, when placed in the right hands, has the power to transform the legal system and make justice accessible to all.

JTP Founding Sponsors

Empowering the Legal

Industry Through Innovation

Trailblazers in Legal Services

Lawfecta has revolutionized the way legal support is delivered, ensuring that high-quality assistance is available to law firms regardless of location.

Founders with a Vision

As a founding sponsor, Lawfecta brings invaluable experience and vision to Justice Tech Pathways, driving our shared goal of democratizing legal services.

Bridging the Gap Between Legal Support and Affordability

AI-Powered Access to Justice

Advanced AI matching technology connects individuals who can't afford an attorney with qualified Allied Legal Professionals.

Making Legal Help Accessible

Dedicated to making legal assistance available to everyone, regardless of financial constraints, by leveraging technology to bridge the gap between need and support.

Transformation Through Strategic Collaboration

Why Sponsor Us?

Expand Your Impact

Your support will help train a new generation of experts who will advocate for and implement your technology in law firms nationwide, ensuring that your platform drives real change.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Demonstrate your commitment to social justice and innovation by supporting programs that make legal services more accessible to underserved populations.

Enhance Your Brand Visibility

Your sponsorship will be prominently featured across our website, training materials, and events, showcasing your brand’s leadership in the legal tech industry.

A Movement That Matters

Our sponsors directly impact our ability to provide comprehensive training programs, develop innovative legal tech solutions, and empower law firms and paralegals to better serve their communities.

Mission-Driven Partner

By investing in the education and training of legal professionals, sponsors are helping to create a more just and equitable system where everyone has access to the legal support they need.

Be a Leader in the Justice Tech Movement
Your sponsorship is more than just a donation—it’s a commitment to shaping the future of legal services and expanding access to justice.
Join Forces with a Mission-Driven Partner
By supporting our programs, you’re aligning your brand with a cause that matters. Together, we can create a more just and equitable legal system where technology plays a central role in breaking down barriers to justice.
Empower the Future of Legal Tech
Your support will help train and certify professionals who will carry your technology into law firms, driving innovation and efficiency.
Be Part of Change
By supporting Justice Tech Pathways, you’re not just funding a program; you’re investing in a future where technology and justice go hand in hand.

Let’s Collaborate

Together, we can train and empower the next generation of legal tech experts, ensuring that technology fulfills its promise to make justice accessible to all.

“Growing up in a legal desert, I saw firsthand the devastating impact of a lack of access to justice. Justice Tech Pathways is my commitment to ensuring that others don't face the same barriers.”

Stacey M. Lake

Founder of Justice Tech Pathways & Lawfecta

Get Involved

At Justice Tech Pathways, we're more than just a nonprofit—we're a movement dedicated to making legal services accessible to all. Whether you're an attorney looking to modernize your practice, a paralegal eager to master legal technology, or a company ready to make a meaningful impact, there's a place for you here.